making sense of aberration

the mind sees what the eyes cannot, while the heart continues to beat!

About Me

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Just another mortal trying to simplify complexity and disorder and failing brilliantly…….!!

I love taking pictures of people when they least expect it. But this is easier said than done. I love the expression and lines on a face. The movement of the body. Ah! so many stories to ponder.

I also like taking pictures of animals and birds and flowers and signs and shadows and light and random mundane things. I dwell on the beauty of their simplicity!

I’m not very fond of landscape, but seems to do a lot of those too. I never fail to gaze in awe at nature’s creation and ponder on the history of our universe.

All this while, I’ve been shuttering around with an Olympus FE-170 and now I am the proud owner of the Nikon D90. Yes, quite a leap. Having a great camera makes me want to explore beyond point and shoot. It makes me want to learn more! It makes me want to discover myself again and straigten the lines.

There’s always a story behind every picture! Mine, Yours, Ours, Theirs.

Written by alvarine

May 1, 2009 at 3:00 am

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